Mungkin kita akan terheran-heran bagaimana mungkin anak umur 1.5 tahun hafal 30 juz al'quran. dan yang lebih mencengangkan lagi ternyata kedua orang tua anak itu adalah seorang non muslim.
Ya, ini bukan dongeng melainkan kisah nyata. Sharifuddin Khalifa namanya atau biasa dipanggil Khalifa, seorang anak kecil dari afrika timur kelahiran 1993.
Hanya yang keren dan luar biasa yang kami muat di sini!! lainnya kelaut aja!! ok...?!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
1. Surat keterangan Belum/Pernah Kawin dari Lurah/Kepala Kampung dan
Dilegalisira oleh Camat Setempat.
2. Foto Copy KTP Masing-masing pihak yang dilegalisir oleh Camat Setempat.
3. Foto Copy Kartu Keluarga Orang Tua Masing-masing pihak yang dilegalisir oleh
Camat Setempat.
1. Surat keterangan Belum/Pernah Kawin dari Lurah/Kepala Kampung dan
Dilegalisira oleh Camat Setempat.
2. Foto Copy KTP Masing-masing pihak yang dilegalisir oleh Camat Setempat.
3. Foto Copy Kartu Keluarga Orang Tua Masing-masing pihak yang dilegalisir oleh
Camat Setempat.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Kupas Tuntas Sejarah Windows, Raja Sistem Operasi yang Berawal dari Garasi Rumah
Bicara tentang dunia komputer, siapa yang tidak tahu windows dengan segala variannya? Siapa yang tidak tahu windows xp, windows vista atau windows 7? Hampir 70% pengguna komputer di dunia ini memakai windows sebagai sistem operasi mereka. Namun tahukah anda sejarah windows, awal mula mereka berdiri sampai sekarang? Artikel berikut ini akan mengupas habis tentang sejarah dan awal mula berdirinya microsoft windows yang digawangi oleh bill gates.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Pengertian komputer server, apa dan bagaimana membuatnya?
Artikel singkat kali ini akan membahas tentang pengertian komputer server dan seluk beluknya. Sebenarnya apa itu komputer server? sebenarnya pertanyaan yang seharusnya muncul bukan apa itu komputer server melainkan apa itu server?.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Pengalaman buka kartu kredit BCA tanpa slip gaji dan survey, solusi buat para full time blogger
Pada dasarnya saya pribadi sangat tidak ingin punya kartu kredit tapi karena terpaksa akhirnya buka juga. Terpaksa karena 2x dalam 1 bulan paypal saya yang aktivasinya makai vcc diblokir dengan balance lebih dari $300. Membuka kartu kredit sebenarnya hal yang sangat mudah buat para pegawai yang gajinya tiap bulan tetap. Tapi menjadi masalah buat pengusaha seperti saya (haha.. blogger maksudnya) yang tiap bulannya tidak punya pemasukan tetap, tidak ada slip gaji, dan juga SIUP.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Apa itu android OS? - sejarah singkat mengenai android os
Mungkin ada beberapa dari Anda yang belum tahu apa itu Android OS. Android OS adalah sebuah sistem operasi sama halnya dengan windows xp/windows 7,dll namun android OS lebih kusus digunakan untuk perangkat mobile seperti smartphones, handphone, dan tablet pc.
Sistem operai Android sendiri merupakan turunan dari sistem operasi linux yang bersifat open source. Android OS dikembangkan oleh Open Handset Alliance yang digawangi oleh Google.
[sociallocker]Pada tahun 2005, Google membeli Android, inc. kemudian pada 2007 open handset alliance diumumkan dengan menggandeng 86 konsorsium hardware, software, dan perusahaan-perusahaan telekomnikasi.
Kode android os dirilis oleh google bersifat open source dibawah lisensi apache.
Google mempunyai ribuan bahkan jutaan komunitas developer yang bersama-sama mengembangkan applikasi android. dalam waktu yang sangat singkat Android sangat populer. bahkan pada Q4 2010 android menjadi platform/os untuk smartphone yang paling tinggi penjualanya (menurut data dari canalys). lebih dari 200juta perangkat android digunakan pada november 2011. dan pada desember 2011 lebih dari 700rb perangkat android terjual setiap hari.[/sociallocker]
Sistem operai Android sendiri merupakan turunan dari sistem operasi linux yang bersifat open source. Android OS dikembangkan oleh Open Handset Alliance yang digawangi oleh Google.
[sociallocker]Pada tahun 2005, Google membeli Android, inc. kemudian pada 2007 open handset alliance diumumkan dengan menggandeng 86 konsorsium hardware, software, dan perusahaan-perusahaan telekomnikasi.
Kode android os dirilis oleh google bersifat open source dibawah lisensi apache.
Google mempunyai ribuan bahkan jutaan komunitas developer yang bersama-sama mengembangkan applikasi android. dalam waktu yang sangat singkat Android sangat populer. bahkan pada Q4 2010 android menjadi platform/os untuk smartphone yang paling tinggi penjualanya (menurut data dari canalys). lebih dari 200juta perangkat android digunakan pada november 2011. dan pada desember 2011 lebih dari 700rb perangkat android terjual setiap hari.[/sociallocker]
3 portal/forum terbesar komunitas android indonesia
Saat ini android menjadi sistem operasi handphone/gadget/smartphones yang paling banyak dicari di indonesia. tidak hanya di indonesia, trend positif ini juga melanda di seluruh negara di dunia. banyak sekali komunitas-komunitas android yang bermunculan, tak terkecuali juga di indonesia. ada banyak sekali forum atau komunitas android indonesia yang bisa menjadi referensi buat anda para pengguna ponsel pintar android, akan kita list nanti di bagian akhir artikel ini.
sifatnya yang open source dan free menjadi pilihan yang menggiurkan para pabrikan smartphone untuk menancapkan android pada smartphone keluaran terbaru mereka.
meskipun android bersifat free namun sistem operasi smartphones keluaran google ini memiliki fitur yang tak kalah kelas dengan fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan oleh iPhone maupun blackberry. bahkan boleh dibilang ada beberapa fitur android yang jauh lebih baik dari fitur yang ditawarkan oleh iPhone dan blackberry.
berikut ini adalah beberapa komunitas android indonesia yang bisa anda jadikan rujukan untuk lebih mendalami tentang dunia android:
ketiga forum tersebut merupakan 3 forum/komunitas pemakai android terbesar di indonesia. anda bisa bertukar informasi mengenai ponsel pintar android pada komunitas tersebut.
sifatnya yang open source dan free menjadi pilihan yang menggiurkan para pabrikan smartphone untuk menancapkan android pada smartphone keluaran terbaru mereka.
meskipun android bersifat free namun sistem operasi smartphones keluaran google ini memiliki fitur yang tak kalah kelas dengan fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan oleh iPhone maupun blackberry. bahkan boleh dibilang ada beberapa fitur android yang jauh lebih baik dari fitur yang ditawarkan oleh iPhone dan blackberry.
berikut ini adalah beberapa komunitas android indonesia yang bisa anda jadikan rujukan untuk lebih mendalami tentang dunia android:
- android-indonesia dot com
- andronesia dot com
- dot or dot id
ketiga forum tersebut merupakan 3 forum/komunitas pemakai android terbesar di indonesia. anda bisa bertukar informasi mengenai ponsel pintar android pada komunitas tersebut.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Top 30 Games Apps Android smartphones
Not only with the iPhone sitting playing on the train, also Android phones have great potential in terms of games. COMPUTER BILD has compiled 30 games of different categories for you.
Doodler, Ninja or Angry Bird - by phone, you assume the roles different players. Whether at home on the couch or in the train - have long represented the modern mobile phones are no longer just phone and MP3 player, but also mobile console.
In the iTunes App Store with more than 33,000 full games ready for download. In comparison, in 25 years of development time for all games consoles - appeared just 17 500 titles - from N64 to Xbox 360. Also on the Android Market are of more than 450,000 apps about a fifth of the category attributed games. The figures show that has grown with the conventional gaming consoles smartphones strong competition.
The graphic quality and scope of the play mobile games attracts real fans not away from their console. But as a stopgap to offer the app is good anyway. More and better mobile phone displays, faster processors and more memory can also expect to soon on the mobile phone adult games-cracker. Already, all the game categories are represented: Whether MMOG, strategy, roles, building game, first person shooter, jump and run, or simple puzzle - everything is fun, is available in one form or another on the smartphone.
The offer is huge, many games are available free or for a few euros to have. Be aware at all desire to pass the time, one has to users: The shortened games in no small measure the battery life.
3D Bowling
And Strike! The app is what bowling fans: by finger rub you throw the ball (the name of the ball in bowling) toward the target. So even special bowling throwing techniques are possible. For variety, provide five lanes with different balls.
Air Control Lite
Slip into the role of an air traffic controller! Tap the randomly arriving aircraft or helicopters, and conduct them to the landing site - a finger wipe. A strike, you can forget about it, because the flying objects get in the way and it crashes, the game is over. Long-time offer simple fun nice graphics, brilliant control and pleasing sounds.
Alchemy, a branch of natural philosophy, dealt not only with the search for the philosopher's stone or the creation of gold. Even the game of "alchemy" is not the purpose of the noble science. By combining the four basic elements - fire, earth, water, air - look for 380 elements. The stem is not only the chemistry set, but cover the whole spectrum of life, the computer game history and fantasy world. Caution addictive!
Angry Birds
"Angry Birds" is probably the most successful gaming app: this was funny, but not so simple game according to the manufacturer so far downloaded 30 million game fans - of which seven million Android devices. The goal: to have piqued birdies beballern the hiding places of the nasty green pigs with the catapult. Caution: This game is addictive!
Angry Birds Rio
Unlike the original "Angry Birds" game, you are no rivets to pigs - you liberate kidnapped poor birds from their cages or expel monkeys from their seats. Based on the whole the animated film "Rio" is.
A combat-oriented puzzle game with strategy elements - how does that work? It's simple: As a tough Antibody to move through the bloodstream and try to dock with herumschwirrenden genes to make them harmless. You control the game via motion sensor, display, joystick, trackball or keyboard.
Aporkalypse Free
The Horsemen appear since biblical times, in various manifestations. In the comic book world, "Aporkalypse" pigs take over with supernatural abilities, the role of leader of the prophecy. War, famine, pestilence and death to control pig with 30 challenging levels and solve them with innovative puzzles. The crazy action-adventure fun way to show the dark sides of the intelligent livestock.
Backbreaker Football
American football is also without a helmet, the player tilts the phone according to evade opponents and take the pill in the end zone. For mobile phones with Tegra-2-chip such as the LG Optimus, there is a high-speed version.
Blow Up (Lite)
What stands in the way to go! With explosive charges, you try to control a building to collapse. In the entablature sits a little panda, the spare should not miss. The full version comes with 90 levels and a few extras. A superb one-man demolition show!
Bubble Ball
A 14-year-old U.S. citizen who programmed the game: The player controls a ball to the checkered flag, taking him by the skilful placing of obstacles directs. A pleasant pastime tinkering.
In the world of the small robot Cordy standing still, the wheels. Cordys task is to supply equipment to many again with power. For this, the mechanical engineering whizzes through a lovingly crafted 3D world, solving puzzles and collecting energy. The Jump-and-run game inspired by gameplay and sound, but also eats properly resources.
Crusade of Destiny
Once a fight dragons and rescue the queen from evil machinations? The role play "Crusade of Destiny" makes it possible - unlike similar mobile games even (simple) 3D graphics. For almost all current smartphones.
Cut the Rope
IPhone is the classic it is finally available on Android phones. In the finger-wiping game is about to feed a small green frog using logic, speed and a little attention to the laws of physics with a candy.
Doodle Jump
Sympathetic game in which a small figure, the Doodler, by tilting the device jumps from platform to platform, dodging obstacles or things like trampoline, rocket pack or propeller hat to the rapid advancement uses.
Drag Racing
For drag races, drag race, two riders compete with tuned cars against each other. The Android game simulates the grueling race perfectly. Realistic ride and more than 50 vehicle types inspire sustainable. For online and offline racing you compete with other foot down or the computer junkies.
Fruit Ninja
As quickly as possible, cut flying fruits and avoid contact with bombs - that you do at "Fruit Ninja" with the power of your finger. In a variety of game modes, you use the touch screen to disperse the vitamin supplier.
Galaxy on Fire 2 THD
Highly detailed pixel battles, hot groovy Weltraumgeballer - in this quality, there are usually only seen on the game consoles. The THD version (Tegra HD version) of the app makes it possible - but only on smartphones and tablet PCs with Tegra-2-processor, such as the Samsung S2 Galaxy, the Acer Iconia Tab A500 and the LG V900 Optimus Pad . The first galaxy is free, the full game will cost € 11.99.
"Jenga" is a classic holiday for rainy days: Those who manage to pull the blocks out most of the tower before it collapses loud thud? On the back seat of car or train with a lack of stable support, but it needs at the Jenga app, of course not - at your fingertips on the screen, select the matches. The laws of Bauklotzphysik are realistically implemented. Therefore, sensitivity is needed!
Among the classics in the smartphone game is "labyrinth". You control a ball with a steady hand through a course that is riddled with traps. The Lite version has ten playable levels, the full version over 100
Mysthique Ch1: Foetus
You get your mind in a rundown, nearly dark bathroom. You will find a bathtub full of blood, a pentagram written with sap, a broken mirror and a faulty electrical cable. Ghostly apparitions enhance the eerie atmosphere. Your goal: escape this haven of terror - and fast. The first part of the adventure game is free, each subsequent chapter will cost € 2.07.
The ninjas of the pre-industrial Japan were particularly well-trained guerrilla fighters, which were used primarily as spies or saboteurs. Quite so mysterious and serious it is in "Ninjump" beside the point. Her black veiled character tries to climb up between two buildings and has thereby avoiding killer squirrels, poultry and annoying enemy ninjas. Throwing stars and bombs to support your fighters.
Paper Toss
Boredom in the office? But then you crumple some paper together and try to hit the wastebasket in the room. Is perhaps not the most exciting job, but time flies. Since we live in times of the paperless office, the Backflip Studios' Paper Toss "have programmed. A fan, a paper ball, a trash can and you have a very challenging casual game.
PES 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer
Beautiful combinations, double passes, free kicks, penalty - the game "PES 2011" brings Europe and Champions League atmosphere now on Android phones and tablet PCs (Version 1.6). You have it in hand, which club you lead to victory.
Phit Droid
The ancient Chinese tile-laying game Tangram, it was probably between 8 and 4 Century BC, uses seven differently shaped pieces that combine to form figures. "Phit Droid" gets by on five forms which are modeled on the type of Tetris blocks. The app offers 1200 puzzles in six difficulty levels.
Pocket Legends
The world was overrun by Alterra and the fairy queen needs help to save the kingdom. In 3D MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) "Pocket Legends" They roam with millions of other players eerie caves, misty swamps and icy mountain peaks. Before installation, you should make sure that at least 30 megabytes of free disk space on your smartphone.
Slice it!
Nice game for learning geometry Beginners: Slice it in the player shares with the fingers two-dimensional figures into several equal pieces. To start it's even easy, but then ... "Slice it" is available as a free and full version.
Tiki Towers
Save the monkeys! In "Tiki Towers" it's your job to build a variety of bamboo structures and thus bring a horde of monkeys to safety. The puzzle-fun requires some brains, because the towers and conductors obey physical laws, and static and break or fall over if they are not constructed properly.
Townsmen 6
At the strategy game "Townsmen 6" you will embark on a journey through time. In the turmoil of the French Revolution to mobilize the nation and lead it to Paris to overthrow the king. Complex tasks are waiting: Build a functioning economic system, you are concerned about the well being of the population, use weapons and words to drive the needle. The full version is free of advertising.
Unblock Me Free
In simple and addictive puzzle game "Unblock Me" it's your job, a red stone from one tableau to push. You remove all the blocks obstructing the exit out of the way. Three levels of difficulty, each with 400 levels ensure long lasting gaming fun.
X Construction
With the app you get your brain going: Build with a specified number of steel makers a stable bridge over a gorge. If the bridge is finished, you can roll over it a train. Creates this only if you have built solid. Tip: Try before you buy the free demo version.
Doodler, Ninja or Angry Bird - by phone, you assume the roles different players. Whether at home on the couch or in the train - have long represented the modern mobile phones are no longer just phone and MP3 player, but also mobile console.
In the iTunes App Store with more than 33,000 full games ready for download. In comparison, in 25 years of development time for all games consoles - appeared just 17 500 titles - from N64 to Xbox 360. Also on the Android Market are of more than 450,000 apps about a fifth of the category attributed games. The figures show that has grown with the conventional gaming consoles smartphones strong competition.
The graphic quality and scope of the play mobile games attracts real fans not away from their console. But as a stopgap to offer the app is good anyway. More and better mobile phone displays, faster processors and more memory can also expect to soon on the mobile phone adult games-cracker. Already, all the game categories are represented: Whether MMOG, strategy, roles, building game, first person shooter, jump and run, or simple puzzle - everything is fun, is available in one form or another on the smartphone.
The offer is huge, many games are available free or for a few euros to have. Be aware at all desire to pass the time, one has to users: The shortened games in no small measure the battery life.
3D Bowling
And Strike! The app is what bowling fans: by finger rub you throw the ball (the name of the ball in bowling) toward the target. So even special bowling throwing techniques are possible. For variety, provide five lanes with different balls.
Air Control Lite
Slip into the role of an air traffic controller! Tap the randomly arriving aircraft or helicopters, and conduct them to the landing site - a finger wipe. A strike, you can forget about it, because the flying objects get in the way and it crashes, the game is over. Long-time offer simple fun nice graphics, brilliant control and pleasing sounds.
Alchemy, a branch of natural philosophy, dealt not only with the search for the philosopher's stone or the creation of gold. Even the game of "alchemy" is not the purpose of the noble science. By combining the four basic elements - fire, earth, water, air - look for 380 elements. The stem is not only the chemistry set, but cover the whole spectrum of life, the computer game history and fantasy world. Caution addictive!
Angry Birds
"Angry Birds" is probably the most successful gaming app: this was funny, but not so simple game according to the manufacturer so far downloaded 30 million game fans - of which seven million Android devices. The goal: to have piqued birdies beballern the hiding places of the nasty green pigs with the catapult. Caution: This game is addictive!
Angry Birds Rio
Unlike the original "Angry Birds" game, you are no rivets to pigs - you liberate kidnapped poor birds from their cages or expel monkeys from their seats. Based on the whole the animated film "Rio" is.
A combat-oriented puzzle game with strategy elements - how does that work? It's simple: As a tough Antibody to move through the bloodstream and try to dock with herumschwirrenden genes to make them harmless. You control the game via motion sensor, display, joystick, trackball or keyboard.
Aporkalypse Free
The Horsemen appear since biblical times, in various manifestations. In the comic book world, "Aporkalypse" pigs take over with supernatural abilities, the role of leader of the prophecy. War, famine, pestilence and death to control pig with 30 challenging levels and solve them with innovative puzzles. The crazy action-adventure fun way to show the dark sides of the intelligent livestock.
Backbreaker Football
American football is also without a helmet, the player tilts the phone according to evade opponents and take the pill in the end zone. For mobile phones with Tegra-2-chip such as the LG Optimus, there is a high-speed version.
Blow Up (Lite)
What stands in the way to go! With explosive charges, you try to control a building to collapse. In the entablature sits a little panda, the spare should not miss. The full version comes with 90 levels and a few extras. A superb one-man demolition show!
Bubble Ball
A 14-year-old U.S. citizen who programmed the game: The player controls a ball to the checkered flag, taking him by the skilful placing of obstacles directs. A pleasant pastime tinkering.
In the world of the small robot Cordy standing still, the wheels. Cordys task is to supply equipment to many again with power. For this, the mechanical engineering whizzes through a lovingly crafted 3D world, solving puzzles and collecting energy. The Jump-and-run game inspired by gameplay and sound, but also eats properly resources.
Crusade of Destiny
Once a fight dragons and rescue the queen from evil machinations? The role play "Crusade of Destiny" makes it possible - unlike similar mobile games even (simple) 3D graphics. For almost all current smartphones.
Cut the Rope
IPhone is the classic it is finally available on Android phones. In the finger-wiping game is about to feed a small green frog using logic, speed and a little attention to the laws of physics with a candy.
Doodle Jump
Sympathetic game in which a small figure, the Doodler, by tilting the device jumps from platform to platform, dodging obstacles or things like trampoline, rocket pack or propeller hat to the rapid advancement uses.
Drag Racing
For drag races, drag race, two riders compete with tuned cars against each other. The Android game simulates the grueling race perfectly. Realistic ride and more than 50 vehicle types inspire sustainable. For online and offline racing you compete with other foot down or the computer junkies.
Fruit Ninja
As quickly as possible, cut flying fruits and avoid contact with bombs - that you do at "Fruit Ninja" with the power of your finger. In a variety of game modes, you use the touch screen to disperse the vitamin supplier.
Galaxy on Fire 2 THD
Highly detailed pixel battles, hot groovy Weltraumgeballer - in this quality, there are usually only seen on the game consoles. The THD version (Tegra HD version) of the app makes it possible - but only on smartphones and tablet PCs with Tegra-2-processor, such as the Samsung S2 Galaxy, the Acer Iconia Tab A500 and the LG V900 Optimus Pad . The first galaxy is free, the full game will cost € 11.99.
"Jenga" is a classic holiday for rainy days: Those who manage to pull the blocks out most of the tower before it collapses loud thud? On the back seat of car or train with a lack of stable support, but it needs at the Jenga app, of course not - at your fingertips on the screen, select the matches. The laws of Bauklotzphysik are realistically implemented. Therefore, sensitivity is needed!
Among the classics in the smartphone game is "labyrinth". You control a ball with a steady hand through a course that is riddled with traps. The Lite version has ten playable levels, the full version over 100
Mysthique Ch1: Foetus
You get your mind in a rundown, nearly dark bathroom. You will find a bathtub full of blood, a pentagram written with sap, a broken mirror and a faulty electrical cable. Ghostly apparitions enhance the eerie atmosphere. Your goal: escape this haven of terror - and fast. The first part of the adventure game is free, each subsequent chapter will cost € 2.07.
The ninjas of the pre-industrial Japan were particularly well-trained guerrilla fighters, which were used primarily as spies or saboteurs. Quite so mysterious and serious it is in "Ninjump" beside the point. Her black veiled character tries to climb up between two buildings and has thereby avoiding killer squirrels, poultry and annoying enemy ninjas. Throwing stars and bombs to support your fighters.
Paper Toss
Boredom in the office? But then you crumple some paper together and try to hit the wastebasket in the room. Is perhaps not the most exciting job, but time flies. Since we live in times of the paperless office, the Backflip Studios' Paper Toss "have programmed. A fan, a paper ball, a trash can and you have a very challenging casual game.
PES 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer
Beautiful combinations, double passes, free kicks, penalty - the game "PES 2011" brings Europe and Champions League atmosphere now on Android phones and tablet PCs (Version 1.6). You have it in hand, which club you lead to victory.
Phit Droid
The ancient Chinese tile-laying game Tangram, it was probably between 8 and 4 Century BC, uses seven differently shaped pieces that combine to form figures. "Phit Droid" gets by on five forms which are modeled on the type of Tetris blocks. The app offers 1200 puzzles in six difficulty levels.
Pocket Legends
The world was overrun by Alterra and the fairy queen needs help to save the kingdom. In 3D MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) "Pocket Legends" They roam with millions of other players eerie caves, misty swamps and icy mountain peaks. Before installation, you should make sure that at least 30 megabytes of free disk space on your smartphone.
Slice it!
Nice game for learning geometry Beginners: Slice it in the player shares with the fingers two-dimensional figures into several equal pieces. To start it's even easy, but then ... "Slice it" is available as a free and full version.
Tiki Towers
Save the monkeys! In "Tiki Towers" it's your job to build a variety of bamboo structures and thus bring a horde of monkeys to safety. The puzzle-fun requires some brains, because the towers and conductors obey physical laws, and static and break or fall over if they are not constructed properly.
Townsmen 6
At the strategy game "Townsmen 6" you will embark on a journey through time. In the turmoil of the French Revolution to mobilize the nation and lead it to Paris to overthrow the king. Complex tasks are waiting: Build a functioning economic system, you are concerned about the well being of the population, use weapons and words to drive the needle. The full version is free of advertising.
Unblock Me Free
In simple and addictive puzzle game "Unblock Me" it's your job, a red stone from one tableau to push. You remove all the blocks obstructing the exit out of the way. Three levels of difficulty, each with 400 levels ensure long lasting gaming fun.
X Construction
With the app you get your brain going: Build with a specified number of steel makers a stable bridge over a gorge. If the bridge is finished, you can roll over it a train. Creates this only if you have built solid. Tip: Try before you buy the free demo version.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
cara membuat biopori:solusi mencegah banjir
Banjir menjadi momok setelah kemacetan di kota-kota besar seperti jakarta dan surabaya. Sistem drainase yang kurang sempurna, pengaspalan tanpa mempertimbangkan efek kedepan menjadi penyebabnya. sebenranya ada solusi sederhana yang bisa untuk mengatasi/mengurangi banjir ini, yaitu biopori.
[sociallocker]biopori selain digunakan untuk menyerap genangan air hujan juga menjadikan tanah di sekitarnya menjadi subur. air hujan yang diserapnya pun nantinya akan menjadi air tanah yang bisa untuk di konsumsi. pembuatanya cukup mudah.
lubangi tanah dengan diameter 10cm sedalam 1 meter. isi lubang tersebut dengan ranting-ranting kecil atau daun-daunan. kemudian tutup permukaanya dengan kawat kasa. untuk memperkuat lubang di permukaan bisa di semen. jarak antar biopori 3-5 meter. tanam pepohonan di sekitarnya agar kerja biopori lebih efektif lagi.
sebenarnya biopori ini bisa sangat efektif mengurangi genangan air di jalanan. namun permasalahanya kita sebagai rakyat biasa tidak punya hak untuk membuat lubang biopori di sepanjang jalan yang dikelola oleh pemerintah. semoga saja pemerintah atau instansi terkaik segera berperan aktif untuk membuat biopori ini di sepanjang jalan yang menjadi wilayah kerja mereka. dan sebagai langkah awal kita bisa membuat lubang biopori ini di sekitaran rumah kita. bayangkan jika tiap rumah sudah membuat beberapa lubang biopori ini. jika satu rw saja semua kk membuat lubang biopori di rumah masing-masing insya Allah tanah di rw tersebut bisa subur dan mungkin juga bisa terhindar dari genangan air jika hujan turun.[/sociallocker]
[sociallocker]biopori selain digunakan untuk menyerap genangan air hujan juga menjadikan tanah di sekitarnya menjadi subur. air hujan yang diserapnya pun nantinya akan menjadi air tanah yang bisa untuk di konsumsi. pembuatanya cukup mudah.
lubangi tanah dengan diameter 10cm sedalam 1 meter. isi lubang tersebut dengan ranting-ranting kecil atau daun-daunan. kemudian tutup permukaanya dengan kawat kasa. untuk memperkuat lubang di permukaan bisa di semen. jarak antar biopori 3-5 meter. tanam pepohonan di sekitarnya agar kerja biopori lebih efektif lagi.
sebenarnya biopori ini bisa sangat efektif mengurangi genangan air di jalanan. namun permasalahanya kita sebagai rakyat biasa tidak punya hak untuk membuat lubang biopori di sepanjang jalan yang dikelola oleh pemerintah. semoga saja pemerintah atau instansi terkaik segera berperan aktif untuk membuat biopori ini di sepanjang jalan yang menjadi wilayah kerja mereka. dan sebagai langkah awal kita bisa membuat lubang biopori ini di sekitaran rumah kita. bayangkan jika tiap rumah sudah membuat beberapa lubang biopori ini. jika satu rw saja semua kk membuat lubang biopori di rumah masing-masing insya Allah tanah di rw tersebut bisa subur dan mungkin juga bisa terhindar dari genangan air jika hujan turun.[/sociallocker]
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Lambang burung Garuda kini bukan untuk rakyat lagi?
Kini buat kamu yang ingin mencoba mengekspresikan rasa nasionalisme dan cinta tanah air harus pikir-pikir dua kali kalau ingin menggunakan lambang burung Garuda pada karya kamu. Penggunakan lambang burung Garuda yang selama ini menjadi simbol dari rasa bangga kita pada tanah air Indonesia kini diatur dalam UU 24/2009 tentang Lambang Negara.
Pada pasal 51 dan 52 UU 24/2009 menyatakan bahwa penggunakan lambang negara hanya dapat digunakan bagi instansi-instansi pemerintah atau pejabat negara.
"Dengan demikian, lambang negara hanya milik pemerintah dan pejabat negara, bukan untuk rakyat," terang Ahluddin Saiful Ahmad, Sekjen Forum Kajian Hukum dan Konstitusi (FKHK).
Lalu bagaimana dengan penggunakan lambang burung garuda pada kaos yang selama ini kita pakai sebagai identitas dan simbol dari rasa bangga kita pada tanah air Indonesia?
Mungkin produsen kaos distro (termasuk kami, harus lebih berhati-hati kalau ingin memproduksi kaos Garuda yang akhir-akhir ini cukup laris di pasaran. Haruskah rakyat beralih menggunakan lambang harimau melayu saja? daripada menggunakan lambang burung Garuda nanti malah berurusan dengan hukum.
"Undang-undang tersebut telah merampok burung garuda dari rakyat," kata sekjen FKHK seperti yang dilansir oleh detikcom
Pada pasal 51 dan 52 UU 24/2009 menyatakan bahwa penggunakan lambang negara hanya dapat digunakan bagi instansi-instansi pemerintah atau pejabat negara.
"Dengan demikian, lambang negara hanya milik pemerintah dan pejabat negara, bukan untuk rakyat," terang Ahluddin Saiful Ahmad, Sekjen Forum Kajian Hukum dan Konstitusi (FKHK).
Lalu bagaimana dengan penggunakan lambang burung garuda pada kaos yang selama ini kita pakai sebagai identitas dan simbol dari rasa bangga kita pada tanah air Indonesia?
Mungkin produsen kaos distro (termasuk kami, harus lebih berhati-hati kalau ingin memproduksi kaos Garuda yang akhir-akhir ini cukup laris di pasaran. Haruskah rakyat beralih menggunakan lambang harimau melayu saja? daripada menggunakan lambang burung Garuda nanti malah berurusan dengan hukum.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Benarkah Penangkapan LHI Adalah Sebuah Konspirasi?
Pertanyaan seperti "Benarkah Penangkapan LHI Adalah Sebuah Konspirasi?" seringkali muncul akhir-akhir ini seiring dengan ditangkapnya LHI oleh KPK dan begitu massive nya pemberitaan media perihal kasus penangkapan ini disertai bumbu-bumbu pusthun/wanita cantik di dalamnya. Namun, benarkah demikian? silahkan simak artikel yang saya copas dari berikut ini. Artikel asli berjudul "PENANGKAPAN USTADZ LUTHFI TERNYATA BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN HAMAS", selengkapnya di bawah ini.
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Monday, June 3, 2013
Dialog Sang Buddha dengan Muridnya
TEGA - Kerusuhan sektarian kembali terjadi dan terus menyebar di wilayah Myanmar. Di kota Lashio, Shan, sejumlah pertokoan, sebuah masjid dan panti asuhan hangus dibakar massa dalam kerusuhan yang terjadi, Rabu 29 Mei 2013 (Kerusuhan Sektarian yang Tak Padam di Myanmar).


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