Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tango canyengue - Styles of Argentine tango dance

Tango canyengue is a rhythmic panache of tango that manufactured in the early 1900s and is still popular today. It is one of the original roots styles of tango and contains all fundamental parts of traditional Argentine tango. In tango canyengue the dancers share one axis, dance in a closed hug, and with the legs relaxed and slightly bent. Tango canyengue uses body dissociation for the leading the way, walking with firm ground touch, and a permanent combination of on- and off-beat rhythm. Its main characteristics are its musicality and playfulness. Its rhythm is described as "incisive, exciting, provocative".

Salon tango - Styles of Argentine tango dance

Tango Salon does not refer to a single specific technique of dancing tango. quite, it is literally tango as it is danced socially in the salons (dance halls) of Buenos Aires. Salon tango was danced throughout the Golden Era of Argentine Tango (1935 -1952) when milongas (tango parties) were held in large dance venues and full tango orchestras done. Salon tango is often characterized by slow, measured, and smoothly executed moves, never moving versus the line-of-dance, and respecting the space of other dancers on the floor around them. The emphasis is on precision, smoothness, musicality, good navigation, and following the códigos (tango etiquette) of the salons. The couple embraces closely, with some variants having a flexible cling, opening slightly to make area for various figures and closing Again for support and poise. The walk is the most major element, and dancers usually walk 60%-70% of the time during a tango song.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Judge in the case of Wikileaks: Twitter must disclose information

Interest of investigators can be more important than data protection needs

The online message service Twitter is handed over to the U.S. Department of Justice data on the accounts of three Wikileaks supporters - this statement has now confirmed a district judge in the U.S. state of Virginia. Stakeholders and the civil rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) expressed disappointment.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Types Of Registered Nurse Career Opportunities

If you are considering becoming a registered nurse, or R.N., then you will be happy to learn that the registered nurse jobs in the job market vary widely.  Being an R.N. is a great choice of careers, since this career allows you to basically pick and choose where you want to work. Most R.N.s make pretty good money.  According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average median pay for registered nurses is just over $64K annually, or about $31.00 an hour.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Medical Transcriptionist Training: Is It Worth The Cost?

Get biggest cut of Medical Transcriptionist Training cost with our tips, we have been helping since years ago, get latest steps to cut the training cost now!

Medical transcriptionist is a more preferable for those who want to have a career in medical field without having to complete years of education and pay lots for it. Compares to nurse and doctor, transcriptionist is indeed slightly less popular. However, this profession seems to be getting more popular these past few years because it offers more benefits and profits than doctors or physicians. Moreover, you can work from home; it makes this profession a perfect career for housewives. However, before becoming a transcriptionist, you should first enroll a training program that will take only less than one year. Similar to other training programs, you have to pay for the course tuition too.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Doctors In Training. What Is A Physician's Assistant And What Do They Do?

PA is an acronym for a number of different things. Some of these things include the American state of Pennsylvania, personal attorney, prosecuting attorney, public accountant, and of course physician's assistant. A physician's assistant is the closest thing to a doctor that exists. The only reason that they came to be was because of a shortage of doctors in the 1960s and there were a decent amount of people with medical training in Vietnam. This led to the profession of being a physician's assistant.

    To this day they can do pretty much everything a doctor does including diagnosing conditions and infirmities, treating them, and writing prescriptions. They are even allowed to partake in surgeries and counsel patients with medical advice. They are not real doctors but they make it pretty close to being real doctors. The education is almost like a doctor's yet it is shorter and only for licensing and certification as a PA. Most of their work is done alongside their education in what is like an internship. After all, a physician's assistant is called that because they work in assisting physicians. They must work alongside doctors and most times do not have their own practice or office that is not under the supervision of an official doctor.

    In the end, most of these PA's end up furthering their education and actually become doctors while some of them prefer to remain a physician's assistant. A physician has to do practices and residencies while a PA does not have to do any of that. They are all over many different kinds of medical practices and specialties in healthcare. Though a physician's assistant has responsibility over patients, it is shared and not as important as that of an actual physician. A physician holds not only responsibility over the patient but the PA too to ensure that everything goes as planned and with a good outcome.

Read also what is the best colleges in New York to become Physician's assistant and primary purpose of CME courses for Physician's assistant on our previous articles.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Kisah, cerita dan biografi polisi ganteng Bripda Saeful Bachri

Bukan lagi Briptu Norman Kamaru tapi Bripda Saeful Bachri namanya. Bripda Saeful Bachri semakin mencuat namanya, bahkan sempat menjadi trending topics di twitter setelah banyak di tweet oleh para pengguna jejaring sosial twitter di Indonesia. Bahkan artis cantik sekaligus pemilik follower twitter terbanyak se-Indonesia, Sherina ikut-ikutan me-retweet polisi ganteng ini.
Saeful Bachri sendiri ketika diwawancarai oleh salah satu stasiun televisi swasta mengaku tidak punya akun twitter, hanya punya akun facebook, namun akun facebooknya belum banyak di add, mungkin karena banyaknya nama saeful atau bachri di Indonesia membuat para penggemarnya bingung mencari akun facebook sang polisi ganteng ini.

Lucunya banyak penggemar dari Saeful Bachri ini yang kerap kali salah menuliskan namanya menjadi Saeful Bahri, Saeful bahcri, saepul bahri, saepul bakhri, saiful bachri, saiful bahri, dll.

Sebelumnya kita baru saja digegerkan dengan mencuatnya briptu norman kamaru yang tiba-tiba ngetop karena video youtubenya yang menghibur. Berbeda dengan pendahulunya, bripda saeful bachri mencuat karena parasnya yang ganteng dan tubuhnya yang proporsional.

"bripda saeful bachri, penjara aku dong.. di hatimu," begitulah gurauan para mojang-mojang bandung saat diwawancarai oleh salah satu stasiun televisi swasta di Indonesia.

Dengan semakin tenarnya nama sang bripda ganteng ini akankah briptu saeful bachri mengikuti jejak pendahulunya briptu norman? lalu langkah-langkah apa yang bakalan diambil sang bripda memanfaatkan ketenaranya saat ini? kita doakan saja tuhan memberikan yang terbaik untuk dia. namun lebih lanjut, bripda sempat mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak akan meninggalkan profesinya jikalau seandainya nanti namanya populer atau menjadi artis.

Awal mula ketenaran bripda ini ketika seseorang dengan akun twitter ardywu met-tweet foto polisi ganteng ini kemudian dari ocehan ardywu ini di re-tweet dan di re-tweet sampai akhirnya sampai pada akun sherina. Dan beruntungnya ternyata sherina juga ikut me retweet photo bripda saeful. Mungkinkah sang artis berparas cantik sherina juga kepincut dengan paras polisi ganteng yang sekilas mirip artis korea ini?

bripda saeful bachri

foto bripda saeful bachri

Bripda Saeful merupakan salah satu anggota dalmas polrestabes bandung. masa kecilnya dia habiskan di sebuah pondol pesantren. sempat tinggal di subang, cirebon dan kemudian sekarang menetap di bandung karena tugasnya sebagai polisi.

foto bripda saiful bahri

foto bripda saiful bachri

Berikut biodata lengkap bripda Saeful Bachri:

Tempat tanggal lahir: subang, 26 oktober 1990
Nama Ayah: H Encas Solihin (46 tahun)
Nama Ibu: Dedeh Kurniasih (36 tahun)
Anak ke: 1 dari 3 bersaudara
- smp - sma di pondok pesantren cirebon dan Al-Ma'soem, cileunyi, bandung.
- SPN (sekolah polisi negara), cisarua, lembang
satuan: sabhara
unit: dalmas
tempat kerja: kepolisian resort kota besar, polrestabes bandung
lama kerja: 2 tahun s/d sekarang

menurut anda akankah bripda saeful bachri ini menjadi terkenal seperti briptu norman kamaru juga? akankah bripda saeful melepas jabatannya sebagai abdi masyarakat jika sudah terkenal nanti?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pepeng komedian pemandu kuis jari-jari ternyata jualan domain

ternyata pepeng komedian yang dulu jadi pemandu kuis jari-jari sejak sakit sekarang jualan domain dari tempat tidurnya. berikut artikelnya. pepeng sakit jualan domain Komedian Pepeng, meski banyak berada di atas tempat tidur karena kondisi sakit, namun bukan berarti tidak melakukan apa-apa. Keseharian aktivitasnya berada di depan laptop yang menjadi istri pertamanya. “Kalau dulu kan dia seperti belatung nangka, tapi sekarang lebih teratur. Bangun tidur itu dia langsung megang istrinya, kalau saya kan cuma istri kedua istri pertamanya ya laptop-nya,” ungkap istri Pepeng, Tami saat ditemui di FX Plaza, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (1/12) lalu. Lewat laptop, Pepeng sudah satu tahun menjalankan bisnis secara online, berjualan domain dari tempat tidurnya. Itu yang kerap membuat pembawa acara kuis Jari-Jari itu sering lupa waktu. “Itu kalau nggak dibentak sama kita dia bisa nggak berhenti di depan laptop-nya, pernah sampai jam 7 pagi nggak tidur,” tegasnya. Selain itu Pepeng juga produktif menulis artikel dan buku, kini dirinya tengah menyelesaikan sebuah buku yang masih butuh beberapa revisi di bagian akhir. Rencananya akan segera diselesaikan, karena kuliahnya juga telah diselesaikan. “Cuma masih ada yang kurang, jadi belum dikasih ke penerbit. Karena masih ada satu ilmu yang dia nggak mampu dan dia mau lulus dulu, saya nggak tahu ilmu apa tapi tentang hidup,” tegasnya. Pepeng sudah berbaring selama lebih dari 5 tahun karena sebuah penyakit. Namun hidupnya tetap penuh dengan motivasi, dia tetap produktif dengan aktivitasnya yang tidak pernah berhanti. Kuliah S2-nya pun telah diselesaikan, dan berencana menempuh S3, jurusan Psikologi. Terbaring 5 Tahun, Pepeng Jadi Pebisnis VIVAnews – Ferrasta Soebardi atau yang dikenal dengan Pepeng, adalah komedian yang pernah beken dengan grup lawak Sersan Prambors bersama rekan-rekannya Sys NS, Krisna Purwana dan Nana Krip. Pria kelahiran 23 September 1954 itu masih tebaring sakit akibat penyakit langka yang dideritanya yakni Multiple Sclerosis, sebuah penyakit yang menyerang sistem saraf tubuh dan melumpuhkan sistem saraf pusat. Akibatnya, Pepeng harus menerima kondisinya terbaring selama lebih dari 5 tahun di kamar tidurnya. Tapi, bukan berarti ia berhenti beraktivitas. Sampai saat ini, semangat Pepeng untuk berkarya tetap hidup. Ia bahkan tengah sibuk menulis buku. “Iya, tapi bukunya belum selesai karena masih ada yang kurang, jadi belum dikasih ke penerbit. Bukunya itu tentang panduan untuk menghadapi hidup,” kata Tami, istri Pepeng yang ditemui di FX kawasan Senayan beberapa waktu lalu. Selain itu, komedian yang pernah membintangi film ‘Anunya Kamu’ ini, juga sedang fokus berbisnis dengan membuat dan menjual domain, untuk alamat website. “Sekarang cari uangnya dari situ. Itu yang bikin dia tambah semangat, bisnis ini sudah berjalan sekitar satu tahun,” kata sang istri. Sejak terserang sakit sejak Juli 2005, Pepeng terpaksa berhenti dari dunia keartisan dan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di atas kursi roda dan tempat tidur. “Kegiatan dia masih normal. Kalau bangun tidur sekarang dia nggak langsung megang istrinya. Kalau saya kan cuma istri kedua, istri pertama dia ya laptopnya,” ucap Tami. Pria yang dulu sukses memandu kuis ‘Jari-jari’ ini juga berniat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan S3. Menurut sang istri, Pepeng sudah mendaftar ke jurusan Psikologi, Universitas Indonesia. repost dari: http://www.adsense-id.com/forums/showthread.php/62019-PEPENG-Pebisnis-Online-yg-MENGINSPIRASI-!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pendidikan dan Paradigma Baru

Untuk membuat bangsa kita maju dan sejajar dengan bangsa bangsa maju di dunia, kita harus merubah  paradigma dalam belajar maupun mengajar. Sebagai siswa, kita tidak bisa lagi hanya menjadikan guru sebagai satu satunya sumber belajar. Bila kita masih menganggap guru atau dosen sebagai satu-satunya sumber belajar berarti wawasan kita sebagai siswa  tidak akan luas. Karena banyak sekali sumber belajar lain  yang tersedia yang selama ini kurang kita manfaatkan, seperti internet, hampir semua pertanyaan bisa di jawab oleh om google, om yahoo, dan web search engine lainnya, belum lagi sumber belajar lain dari para professionals dalam bidangnya baik dalam seminarnya, workshop atau buku buku maupun jurnal jurnalnya , tokoh masyarakat, majalah majalah dan jurnal jurnal terkait dalam pendidikan kita juga sangat pengaruh dalam kemajuan pendidikan yang berjalan .

Demikian juga sebagai guru atau dosen kita jangan menganggap diri kita satu satunya yang paling tahu. Mungkin saja siswa siswi kita sudah mendapat informasi lebih dulu internet misalnya, dan sebagai guru kita tidak  boleh marah dan tak usah tersinggung, sebab seperti yang telah saya katakan di atas  guru hanya salah satu sumber belajar. Artinya apakah sebagai siswa atau sebagai guru  harus  bersama sama  merubah sudut pandangnya.  Tanpa masing merubah dengan new paradigma akan sulit untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan anak bangsa Indonesia ini.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What is Journal Of The American Association Of Medical Transcriptionists (JAAMT)

If you work in the growing field of transcribing medical notes, the Journal of the American Association of Medical Transcriptionists (JAAMT) should be required reading for you. The journal has been published six times every year for over 20 years and each issue focuses on the advancement of medical transcription procedures and trends, as well as highlighting a theme in clinical medicine. The journal is read by those who work in the field, as well as by students and in addition to the printed journal, JAAMT also allows content to be accessed through the website of the AAMT, or Association for Medical Transcript. The journal, as well as the website, cover such areas as outsourcing, billing, salaries and speech recognition technology and those who do not subscribe to the magazine or who are not members of the AAMT are able to create an account and log in to purchase articles.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prediksi Hasil Pertandingan Indonesia Lawan Malaysia Piala AFF

Berikut ini adalah prediksi hasil pertandingan Indonesia lawan Malaysia di ajang piala AFF Suzuki Cup 2012.

Friday, April 19, 2013

What Courses Should I Take, if I'm A Medical Assistant And Would Like To Work In The ER Or ICU?

So you want to work in the medical field where the action is heavier and the stakes are higher, but you need some more training. If you are thinking, "Im a Medical Assistant and i would like to work in the ER or ICU. What courses should i take?" Keep reading, you'll find the courses you need and the best approach for getting those classes under your belt.

The simple answer to your question is an ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) class and a PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) course. Because you are already a medical assistant you should have a number of the courses taken care of like the required CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) credential. If you do not, you will need that as well.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jadwal Piala AFF Suzuki Cup RCTI

Berikut ini adalah update terbaru jadwal piala AFF Suzuki Cup 2012 RCTI yang akan digelar di Malaysia dan Thailand.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Indonesia Menjadi Salah Satu Dari Lima Raksasa Ekonomi Dunia 2030

Peta kekuatan ekonomi dunia berubah pada 2030, Indonesia masuk lima besar?

Demikian ditulis di kolom bisnis vivanews. Mungkinkah hal itu terjadi?
menurut saya, yang nggak ngerti masalah ekonomi, jangankan 2030 atau 20th lagi 5 tahun lagi pun sebenarnya Indonesia sudah mampu masuk ke 20 atau 10 besar dan 10 tahun untuk masuk 5 besar. tapi dengan satu syarat: hukum benar2 dijalankan, tidak ada lagi remisi-remisi untuk para koruptor. tidak ada lagi kabur ke luar negri, dsb.
Kalau hukum masih belum bisa ditegakan, alih-alih 20th, 50 tahun pun Indonesia nggak akan mampu naik peringkat, atau mungkin justru akan merosot peringkatnya. Yah.. tapi itu hanya analisa dari seorang blogger jalanan saja hehe...
Untuk lebih lengkapnya berikut berita yang saya kutip dari vivanews.

VIVAnews - Optimisme bahwa kekuatan ekonomi dunia akan bergeser dari Barat ke Timur kian merebak. Bahkan, Asia kini menjadi pusat perhatian utama dunia sebagai kawasan tujuan investasi. 

“Pendulum geo-politik dan geo-ekonomi akan bergeser ke kawasan Asia,” ujar Dirjen Kerjasama ASEAN Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia, Djauhari Oratmangun seperti ditulis VIVAnews 23 November 2010.
Optimisme Djauhari adalah satu dari deretan optimisme berbagai lembaga keuangan dunia lainnya. Baru-baru ini, dalam laporan khusus Standard Chartered Bank juga diyakini soal pergeseran keseimbangan kekuatan ekonomi global dari Barat ke Timur.

Pemicunya adalah peningkatan besar di negara berkembang, terutama perdagangan di pasar-pasar negara berkembang, industrialisasi yang pesat, suplai tenaga kerja murah, urbanisasi dan meningkatnya masyarakat kelas menengah, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi, rata-rata 5,2 persen di Asia dalam dua dekade mendatang.

Bahkan, Stanchart memperkirakan 20 tahun lagi, lima kekuatan ekonomi akan benar-benar berubah. Pada 2010 ini, lima kekuatan ekonomi dunia dikendalikan oleh Amerika Serikat, China, Jepang, Jerman dan Prancis.
Namun, dua dekade lagi, bank terkemuka yang berpusat di Inggris itu meyakini posisi lima besar akan benar-benar berganti. China akan menempati posisi pertama, lantas diikuti oleh Amerika Serikat, India, Brazil dan Indonesia.  Berikut ini profil singkat lima raksasa ekonomi dunia 2030.

1. China
Pada 2030, China akan menjadi negara adikuasa secara ekonomi. volume PDB China diperkirakan akan mencapai US$73,5 triliun atau tertinggi di dunia.Saat ini, PDB China mencapai US$5,9 triliun atau terbesar kedua dunia. China akan menguasai 24 persen ekonomi dunia. Negeri dengan jumlah penduduk tertinggi sejagat ini akan tetap menjadi mesin utama pertumbuhan yang ditopang oleh industri manufaktur. Apalagi, kaum berpendidikan tinggi di China melonjak sangat signifikan.

2. Amerika Serikat
Saat ini, Amerika merupakan mbahnya kapitalisme dunia dan negara adidaya ekonomi dengan PDB terbesar dunia, yakni US$14,6 triliun. Amerika juga termasuk negara kaya dunia dengan tingkat pendapatan penduduk per kapita cukup besar, yakni US$46.760 per tahun.

Jumlah penduduk dan kondisi geografis membuat negara adidaya ini tak muncul sebagai negara paling kaya di dunia. Negara ini mengedepankan perekonomi kapitalis yang tak terlalu memprioritaskan program sosial. Namun, negara ini tak ragu menghabiskan anggaran besar untuk pendidikan. Meski tergolong maju, kesenjangan sosial-ekonomi di negara ini cukup kentara.

3. India
PDB India diperkirakan akan mecapai US$30 triliun dalam dua dekade lagi. India yang juga memiliki populasi terbesar kedua di dunia, diperkirakan akan menjadi mesin pertumbuhan besar kedua setelah China. Negara ini telah meningkatkan investasi luar biasa besar dari 24 persen PDB pada 2000 menjadi 40 persen PDB pada 2010. Kapasitas produksi, perbaikan infrastruktur, serta upaya memperbaiki standar pendidikan akan memicu pertumbuhan India.  

4. Brazil
Sebagai calon raksasa ekonomi keempat di dunia, PDB Brazil diperkirakan akan mencapai US$12,2 triliun pada 2030. Selain memiliki jumlah penduduk yang tinggi, Brazil juga dikenal sebagai negara yang memiliki kekayaan sumber alam serta perkembangan di industri manufaktur.

5. IndonesiaIndonesia merupakan salah satu kuda hitam yang akan menempati posisi kelima dunia pada 2030. Indonesia bukan hanya menggeser Rusia, melainkan juga menggeser Jepang yang kini merupakan kekuatan ekonomi terbesar ketiga dunia. Pada saat itu, Indonesia akan memiliki PDB sebesar US$9,3 triliun.
Saat ini, Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki peran penting di ASEAN. Dari 565 juta populasi ASEAN, Indonesia mencakup 40 persennya. Dari total PDB US$1,3 triliun, 50 persennya juga dikuasai Indonesia. Indonesia tengah berupaya menggenjot infrastruktur untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi rata-rata 7 persen per tahun.
Sumber: Stanchart I Bank Mandiri I IMF I Bank Dunia


Bagaimana menurut anda? mungkinkah hal ini terjadi?

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Licensed Practical Nurse Responsibilities In A Work Setting

If you are wondering what a licensed practical nurse responsibilities are, maybe this will help you. A LPN works under the physicians and registered nurses (read information on how to become a nurse). They provide health care and wellness services to those who are sick, convalescent, injured, or disabled.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Where to Find Medical Transcriptionist Training In Seattle, WA?

Medical transcriptionist is currently popular as one of the preferable careers in medical field besides nurses and physicians. Especially if you want to work as soon as possible, this career makes a perfect choice because it only takes you less than a year to finish the training program. In the training program, you will be taught everything about this profession, including the job description and technique to improve productivity. Once you graduated from this program, you will be able to be a good transcriptionist –who is ready to make high hourly earnings. If you are living in the US, good news for you is that this transcriptionist is available in every state in the country.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Medical Assistant Certification: Is It Necessary?

Medical assistants do not need a certification to practice their trade. Even though these dedicated professionals do not need a certificate, they benefit from having one as much as ASE Automotive specialists do from having one. Many of the schools that offer these programs prepare their students to earn a certificate before they are unleashed upon unsuspecting patients. The certification does not make someone competent in the field. It only proves that he can pass the test. Even though a certification only proves that someone can pass a test, there are benefits to having one.

How To Receive Certification By The American Association Of Medical Assistants

The American Association of Medical Assistants offers the CMA credential to individuals meeting their requirements for the highest set of skills and knowledge for medical assistants.  To receive these credentials, the candidate must complete a program accredited by the CAAHEP or the ABHES.

When enrolled in these programs, candidates receive clinical training in many areas.  Members of the AAMA receive several benefits including a professional edge, higher pay, career advancement, jog security, networking and self satisfaction.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Work Abroad As A Nurse And Inspire Change

There are many opportunities currently available to anyone that would like to work abroad as a nurse. One of the most exciting things about being a nurse is the ability to help others and watch them get better. If you enjoy this profession, you know there is nothing better than the feeling that you are making a difference. Working with a unique and diverse group of people  will provide the opportunity to experience new things and make a significant impact.

Anyone that has always wanted to see the world will be happy to know that there are many opportunities currently available to do just that. In fact, you will get to see another area of the world while getting paid for impacting the world. Many nursing professionals enjoy the ability to bring their skills into communities that are disadvantages and in need of help, this is your chance to make a difference.

In addition to all of these advantages, working abroad will allow you to enjoy great pay for the work that you complete. Many areas within the United States are very limited in terms of available jobs, taking your skills into another country will remove the need to worry about job stability. Working in another country will increase your pay by several thousand dollars a year.  If you love working as a nurse, you may want to explore every opportunity possible to share your skills with people around the world. As such, working abroad will allow you to help others while getting paid to do what you love. This is an opportunity that you should take advantage of.

If you are interest on becoming a nurse here is how to become a nurse and the school you can choose when you decide to become a nurse.

Nationally accredited online colleges more flexible than traditional college

Nationally accredited online colleges are the new way to get new degree without disturbing work time. Education world today use technology to give more chance for those who have not enough time to attend traditional colleges. This new program linked with numerous famous colleges in USA. The concept of online colleges is your time and your place. It means we can attend the class every time we need virtually. So, we can arrange the time to start study. This program offers flexible time for student that balancing their study and work and full time professional worker.

Nationally accredited online degree

The degrees of accredited online colleges are not different from traditional college. It offers degree such as bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, as well as a variety certificate and diploma. The nationally accredited online colleges have integrated online program that usually connected to their libraries, academic community, and their optional degree. The research conducted by Department of Education found that student taking online course had better performance than traditional college student did. The reason was that these students gain more skill in the usage of media technology.

Nationally accredited of online colleges list

Some large colleges has offered accredited online colleges that certified by government. If you choose to continue your study with online college, you need to make sure that the college has accredited. Sample of nationally accredited online colleges, such as Arizona state university, University of central Florida and Miami dede college.  They are entrusted to open school online by USA government because they well prepare in teaching student by online. So, make sure if you too busy attended your school, you have to choose online colleges.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Does A Medical Transcriptionist Do?

Anyone who is searching for extra work might wonder what does a medical transcriptionist do. A medical transcriptionist is a person who listens to the recordings of medical professionals and transcribes them into legible understandable written or typed reports. The individuals take medical abbreviations and codes and translate them into language that is understandable to other people. Additionally, a transcriptionist may prepare discharge papers, medical histories and other documents.

Qualities for What Does a Medical Transcriptionist Do

A medical transcriptionist must have various qualities to work in this field. The person should be well versed and have a patient demeanor. He or she must have a firm grasp on the English language as well as a good understanding of medical terminology. The individual must be proficient with a computer and he or she must know how to use various word processing and audio playback programs.

Getting a Job as a medical Transcriptionist

Before a person can obtain a job as a medical transcriptionist, he or she must obtain certification from a post-secondary school. The person can obtain certification in less than one year. After the individual receives certification, he or she can send resumes to various transcription companies. If a company is interested in that person, it will ask him or her to take a test. The test will check for grammatical errors. The company will also review how well the person can interpret medical terms and phrases. Speed is also a factor in transcription. The company will want to know that the person can transcribe at a good speed.

Income for Transcribing

A medical transcriptionist makes approximately $15.82 per hour or $32, 900 per year. Jobs are expected to grow over the course of the next seven years. Since workers can transcribe from home, mothers have great opportunity by knowing what does a medical transcriptionist do.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Medical Assistants Expected To Be In High Demand

Over 50% of all medical assistants find work in a doctor's office. The remainder find employment in hospitals, clinics and stand alone medical facilities.

A medical assistant is part of a professional staff. As one might expect, they work in facilities that are well-maintained and always kept clean. Multi-tasking and taking care of a large number of patients during their shift is par for the course. While most work a basic 40 hour week, unusual hours are the norm. Weekends, evenings and holidays may all be part of their work schedule.